I enjoy working on and leading projects that delight, inform, persuade, help out, and tell a story. More importantly, I stick with my projects and improve and improve them to help more people.


A lot of people don't vote because they don't have the time to learn about the issues and the options. VoteMate is an app and website tackling that by putting every platform and backgrounder in one easy-to-peruse place.

VoteMate has helped thousands vote the 2017 BC provincial, 2018 BC municipal, and 2019 federal elections. I'm running it again for the 2020 BC provincial election.

  • See the story
  • Check it out at VoteMate.org

  • Inquiry Hub

    Inquiry Hub is a small, public secondary in Coquitlam that focuses on student leadership and self-directed learning. Starting in 2016, I worked with students and staff to create and maintain a brand for the school, based around creativity, freedom, and choice.

    While doing this, I picked up many of the talents I use on projects today. The story of what we did and why we did it, despite it being different than what any other high school does, is well worth the read.

  • See the stories

  • iHub Tiffany

    I found that students at Inquiry Hub Secondary in Coquitlam were having difficulty keeping track of their complex schedules and lists of assignments, so I built an app that kept track of it all for them, with full support from the teaching and administrative staff.

    thank you for creating IHub tiffany, seriously it has saved my ass so many times
    — An iHub student

  • See the story

  • FindALostPet

    In 2015, I co-created FindALostPet with a team of friends. We succesfully crowd-funded over twice our goal to build it and sucessfully released the first version in 2016.

    Never satisfied with our work, we've begun rebuilding FindALostPet from the ground up, with a new release scheduled for late 2019.

  • Read the story
  • Check it out at FindALostPet.org

  • iHub Here

    Attendance at Inquiry Hub took too long, so I built an app to fix that. Now, when any student arrives at iHub in the morning, they just pull out their phone, connect to the school's wifi, and tap one button... and they're checked in.

    After running iHub Here for two years, I passed the codebase off to a student at the school, teaching them how to maintain and improve Here even further.

  • See the story
  • Want me working with you?

    Get me on your team!

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